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Basic Principles of Chiropractic

The spine, known as the central axis, is structurally located in the center of human body and is also where the central nerve and spinal cord pass through. It coordinates and controls the activities of human head and limbs. The nerves from each pair of intervertebral foramen control the sensation and movement of the whole human body and coordinate the function of internal organs. However, the human spine is very weak and easily to be affected in our daily life, which is resulting in all kinds of misalignments of 24 vertebrae and pelvis. There is almost no spine without any misalignments. There are few nerves in the intervertebral disc, which is the important connecting part of the spine. Therefore, people are insensitive to the misalignment of the spine. When the spine is aligned. stationary and upright, the pressure on the intervertebral disc is even. When vertebral misalignment occurs, the tension distribution in the intervertebral disc is uneven, which will cause the intervertebral disc injury easily, including acute and chronic injury.

In addition, the misalignment of the spine will also deeply affect the nutritional supply of the intervertebral disc itself, which will accelerate the degeneration of the intervertebral disc and cause the rupture of the intervertebral disc annulus fibrous, and which will result in nucleus pulpous herniation. Many spinal problems have already existed in our childhood which is the best stage of spinal correction. But due to the high flexibility of children’s spine, these problems are hidden and show no symptoms. With the increase of age, the misalignment in the spine will be further developed. The abnormal spinal structure will cause the early degenerative disease of bone and joint, which is known as spondylarthritis. The osteoarthritis can also be avoided by adjusting the misaligned spine.